Tuesday, March 11

Free rice = increased brain power

I just learned of a new program called Free Rice. I read about it in the most recent People magazine. Basically, for playing every correct answer in the word game on their website they donate 20 grains of rice to United Nations World Food Program. It is a great program helping those overseas that we wouldn't normally be able to. It gives an update for every day and month so you can see how much rice is being donated. For instance 3,893,361,180 grains of rice were donated in February 08. I placed the link to the right for those of you who want to play/donate.


Amber said...

I think this is really neat...but the ethical question be becomes what you do if you don't know a word. Take a guess and risk losing out on some rice or open another tab and google the word?

OUR FAMILY said...

I did really good. I'm so proud of myself. :)