Friday, April 4

Ava Rolled Over

Ava rolled over for the first time yesterday afternoon. I missed it since I was at work (yes, I cried that I missed it.) Thankfully, Michael did get to witness it as he had just arrived to pick up the girls. I am very grateful that Aunt Lisa now has a digital camera and high speed internet! So even though I wasn't there in person I did get to see pictures almost immediately after it happened. Ava has been on the brink of rolling for several weeks now and I have had the video camera primed and ready to go hoping to capture it at home but alas I missed it and will have to wait to get it the next time. She just laid flat on her back last night as I tried to coax her with toys to show me her trick. I am sure I will see it many times over. It is the down side of being a working mom though - missing those firsts. Nonetheless, I am a proud momma.


Amber said...

What a cutie. How great that they got the act caught on camera!

OUR FAMILY said...

I'm so sorry you missed it. Has she rolled over for you yet?