Thursday, January 31

Max - my buddy

We had the unfortunate experience this past week of deciding to put our first pet, Max, that we got when we married put to sleep. It was a hard decision but an easy decision. He had health problems from the beginning with his bladder. He had to be on a special food (aka expensive) food to keep his pH level at a certain number and he had terrible allergies. He sneezed more than any one human. Anyway, after much heartache we made the decision and Max went to kitty heaven on Monday. He was a sweet kitty. We feel like monsters having to make this decision.

We explained to Kati that he wouldn't be living at our house anymore. We told her that he was going to the vet and they would find him a new home. I wasn't ready to explain death to her any sooner than I have too. All the way to Gram's house, where we left the kids while Michael and I took Max for his final car ride, Kati kept saying to Max, "I'm sorry buddy." It broke my heart as she continued to talk to him. She has asked a few times about him and say that she hopes the vet found him a new home.
Sad, but it's a fact of life I guess.

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