Sunday, January 20

The fun of staying at home

I have discovered that I absolutely love staying at home. I always thought I was more the working mom type than a stay at home mom type but I could definitely get used to this although I won't be. I only have 2 weeks of maternity leave left and I am really dreading the return to work. (eight weeks ago, I didn't dream I would be saying that.) I am sure once I get back to it I will be okay (at least, that's what I am telling myself.) Right now, I can't even leave Ava for a few hours without crying when I return home to her just because the thought of being away for 8+ hours a day is heart-wrenching. To my co-worker(s) who may read this - don't worry I will be back. I don't have a choice financially since Nebraska is such an expensive state to live in. The gas taxes alone in this state are ridiculous. Anyway, back to my point, I am really enjoying my time at home with my girls. Kati keeps me pretty entertained most days. Some days not so entertaining and more work but overall this has been a pretty great last month.

Anyway, the nice part is that I get to snap pictures at the best moments throughout the day. Kati is a funny kid... I bought Kati new headbands and she decided to wear all of them.

Kati is breastfeeding her baby dolls now.
I just about fell over with laughter when I observed this.

I was watching from the window while Kati and daddy decided to play outside in the snow before frostbite set in this past Saturday.

Snowball fight!Ice sliding!
Michael and Kati discovered an ice rink in our front yard under the fresh snow. It had a slight downward grade so they took turns sliding.

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