Monday, July 23


The anticipation is growing. In about 24 hours, we will hopefully find out the baby's gender! I will be 19 weeks and to be at this point still surprises me from time to time. I have gained somewhere between 5-10 pounds. It took me forever to get to the 5 pound mark so now I have to watch what I eat. I have been pretty good about not giving into my wants and eating instead what I need. Eating chocolate instead of fruit is a lot more fun though!

I have been feeling baby move around which is a comforting feeling. Baby was pretty quiet yesterday and throughout the night, I felt movement but not the big thumps I was feeling the day before. I love putting my hands on my belly and being able to feel right where the baby is now. Such a cool feeling.

I will update tomorrow for anyone who may be checking this. Anyone have any predictions?

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