Kati also started swimming lessons yesterday afternoon. She wanted her dad to take her so I had to settle for pictures. She had a really good time. It was so cute watching her try to reinact what she learned.

We were able to get outside and get some fresh air for a change and the girls got to wear their first shorts of the season. Typical Midwest weather - last week it was snowing, this week it is 75 and humid, and tomorrow it is supposed to be 60 and rainy. I will have to remind myself of this when it is 95 and sunny in July.

I also found the time to get in the kitchen this weekend. I made homemade cinnamon rolls for work this morning. I LOVE my bread machine. I didn't know it had a dough setting until yesterday. I put all the ingrediants in and 90 minutes later I had perfect dough to roll out, spread with cinnamon mixture, cut, put in the pan, put in the fridge. this morning I took them out, let them raise and bake. They were so very yummy. I am the birthday person at work and our CFO doesn't like cake but requested cinnamon rolls - in case you wondered why I was making rolls on a Monday morning. I am not normally that ambitious.
I heard the best words this morning from Kati - "I'm glad I have a sister." Ava just lights up when she sees Kati. Kati loves it that Ava smiles at her and gets so excited. "Mommy, Ava just gave me a smile" is a commonly heard in our house. I love it. After all the time and heartache it took to get my girls, it is so rewarding to seethem together.