Monday, April 21

Sunday - not a day of rest

Yesterday was an incredibly busy busy day. Michael and Kati went to church yesterday morning together and then went out to lunch afterwards. While they were at church, Ava and I went to a wedding shower brunch for his cousin, Rachel. It was a very nice shower and it made me want to get married again so we could get new stuff. Ava tried her best to steal the show with her squeals - she loves to hear herself. After the shower, Ava and I headed home. She must have worn herself out as she slept from 1 til 3:30pm! I got a lot done though, including some really great mom and Kati time.

Kati also started swimming lessons yesterday afternoon. She wanted her dad to take her so I had to settle for pictures. She had a really good time. It was so cute watching her try to reinact what she learned.

Ava had her first veggie this weekend - squash! She loved it as her face proves.

We were able to get outside and get some fresh air for a change and the girls got to wear their first shorts of the season. Typical Midwest weather - last week it was snowing, this week it is 75 and humid, and tomorrow it is supposed to be 60 and rainy. I will have to remind myself of this when it is 95 and sunny in July.

I also found the time to get in the kitchen this weekend. I made homemade cinnamon rolls for work this morning. I LOVE my bread machine. I didn't know it had a dough setting until yesterday. I put all the ingrediants in and 90 minutes later I had perfect dough to roll out, spread with cinnamon mixture, cut, put in the pan, put in the fridge. this morning I took them out, let them raise and bake. They were so very yummy. I am the birthday person at work and our CFO doesn't like cake but requested cinnamon rolls - in case you wondered why I was making rolls on a Monday morning. I am not normally that ambitious.
I heard the best words this morning from Kati - "I'm glad I have a sister." Ava just lights up when she sees Kati. Kati loves it that Ava smiles at her and gets so excited. "Mommy, Ava just gave me a smile" is a commonly heard in our house. I love it. After all the time and heartache it took to get my girls, it is so rewarding to seethem together.

Tuesday, April 15

4 month check up

Ava had her 4 month check up yesterday and all is well. She is 13 pounds, 10 ounces (50th %tile) and 25 inches long (75th %tile). She also had to get her shots, her poor little legs. Kati wanted to go with us and be the big sister. I told her Ava had to get shots and it was going to hurt her and she would cry, but Kati wanted to go anyway. She held Ava's hand and talked to her the whole time and was so very sweet to her. She kept saying "it's okay Ava."

Ava started eating oatmeal and really seemed to like it. We start on a veggie at the end of the week!

Friday, April 11

Cereal time

Ava began eating cereal a few weeks ago. She is growing and getting so big. This morning I pulled an outfit from the closet and Michael said it was too big for her. Much to his surprise, it fit. She is growing so quickly. She has such a sweet disposition. Ava has found her voice lately and loves to coo very loudly - it's music to my ears. No matter how bad my day was, it always perks me up. We go to the doctor on Monday for a checkup and shots (yikes!)

Now that she has started rolling over, she doesn't stay on her back for long!

Friday, April 4

Ava Rolled Over

Ava rolled over for the first time yesterday afternoon. I missed it since I was at work (yes, I cried that I missed it.) Thankfully, Michael did get to witness it as he had just arrived to pick up the girls. I am very grateful that Aunt Lisa now has a digital camera and high speed internet! So even though I wasn't there in person I did get to see pictures almost immediately after it happened. Ava has been on the brink of rolling for several weeks now and I have had the video camera primed and ready to go hoping to capture it at home but alas I missed it and will have to wait to get it the next time. She just laid flat on her back last night as I tried to coax her with toys to show me her trick. I am sure I will see it many times over. It is the down side of being a working mom though - missing those firsts. Nonetheless, I am a proud momma.