Friday, February 29


I'm so proud of my hubby. It is not often that people actually write letters of praise (as I well know from working in hospital administration.) It is so nice to be noticed for a job well done. Michael's job is very stressful at time - people can get pretty nasty when it comes to money, so a little validation goes a long way. Here is an email sent to Michael's boss regarding his excellent performance.

Subject: Mike Ingraldi

I’m sending you a note to tell you how helpful Mike has been in resolving an issue we had here in Minneapolis. There was a dispute over the terms of a promotion, and Mike went well beyond the call of duty to help us achieve a positive result for the client. The client didn’t appreciate it, of course, so Mike had to do even more work on our behalf in an attempt to further placate the client. I’d guess it’s the most work anyone’s done on a $10K account in a long time, but he did it cheerfully and efficiently.

In my opinion, Mike’s a “keeper.”

Sidenote: I love how they talk about $10K like it's not that big of a deal! That the stock market world for ya.


Amber said...

That's awesome. You know you've impressed someone when they put it in writing! Maybe this will help him get a promotion (wasn't he trying for one awhile back?).

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear that someone has acknowledged what a great job he has done. That has had to boost his moral towards his job!
I am so proud of him.